If you would like to contribute to ISIMIP with your simulation data, please follow the instructions under Join ISIMIP, first.
All contributions to ISIMIP will be published on the ISIMIP data portal. The publication workflow involves the following steps:
- Request DKRZ account and upload the data to the ISIMIP workspace at DKRZ, see here. (Accounts are only given to actively participating groups)
- Fill in the documentation of your model outputs in the ISIMIP Modellers Dashboard. This helps us to understand your simulations and identify potential caveats. If your account for this site has not been set up or linked to your model yet, contact the data team. Please note that models without complete output documentation will not move forward in the publication process.
- Our data team will check the correctness of your files and documentation, and contact you in case of problems. You will work together to resolve the issues.
- Complete the model documentation: Our data team will send you the Data Publication Confirmation email form, with instructions to complete the model documentation, the license for your output data and the decision of an embargo period, if needed. To maximize the use of your data, we encourage either no embargo or short embargo periods. The maximum embargo period is one year.
Once data and documentation problems are resolved:
- Your data is made available on the DKRZ workspace for other ISIMIP modelers and published on the ISIMIP data portal for all other potential users. You may ask for an embargo period of your data. In that case, it is kept available only on the DKRZ workspace but is held back from publication on the ISIMIP data portal. To maximize the use of your data, we encourage no embargo or short embargo periods. The maximum embargo period is one year.
- Data on the DKRZ workspace are accessible only to ISIMIP participants. Authors of publications using data from DKRZ during the embargo period are required to offer co-authorship to at least one representative of the relevant modeling teams, the ISIMIP sector coordinators, and the ISIMIP cross-sectoral science team for the sectors relevant to the publication. Please see the Terms of use for ISIMIP data during embargo period.
- Data transferred to the ISIMIP data portal are immediately publicly available according to the restrictions of the license assigned to them (see Licenses for publicly available ISIMIP data).
- Publicly available data are documented under the appropriate sector- and simulation-round-specific DOI (see our Notes on DOIs).
- Changes to publicly available data may result in the need to write a data caveat, retrieve or replace data from the ISIMIP repository, and reissue a DOI. In these cases, data caveats are communicated via the 'isimip-data_updates' mailing list. Please refer to our notes on replacing data.
- Authors of papers using data from the ISIMIP data portal are no longer subject to the restrictions of co-authorship or approval by the modeling groups. Please see the Terms of use for publicly available ISIMIP data (after embargo period).
- The ISIMIP data portal is hosted and maintained by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). Data can only be published or removed from the repository by the ISIMIP data team, that is monitored by the ISIMIP steering committee according to the organisational structure of ISIMIP.