Cross-sectoral ISIMIP and PROCLIAS online workshop 2021

Program Overview

The workshop featured a number of plenary, as well as sector-specific and thematic sessions including the following cornerstones:

  • Latest ISIMIP modeling results: dedicated session on the latest ISIMIP modeling results, as well as ongoing paper ideas,
  • ISIMIP climate forcing data: currently available data have been presented and possibilities of improving them have been discussed,
  • ISIMIP3 socioeconomic forcing data: discussions of the development of ISIMIP3b group III socioeconomic forcing data and the adaptation runs.
  • Cross-sectoral discussions on data harmonization, as well as on linking the Biomes, Fire and Permafrost sectors following up on the workshop in summer 2020.
  • Keynotes by Johan Rockström, Noah Diffenbaugh and Tamma Carleton
  • Kick-off of the newly started COST Action PROCLIAS including dedicated sessions to plan working group activities
ISIMIP_WS2021_Program overview

Workshop Agenda

Please find below the detailed workshop agenda including a number of presentations slides and selected recordings. A pdf of the detailed workshop agenda can be found here.



Monday 11 January

Sector meeting: Forest

(9:00-10:00 am)

Chairs: Christopher Reyer, Mats Mahnken

  • Session outline (Christopher Reyer)
  • Discussing the idea of country scale multi-model simulations:
  • General Idea (Christopher Reyer)
  • Examples (D. Loustau, a.o.)
  • Discussing the table of available models and their constraints/data needs etc.
  • Discussing next steps (e.g. integration of this activity as Task Group into COST Action PROCLIAS, next meetings, todos)
  • Short break-out group with co-authors on forest evaluation paper

Sector meeting: Water global

(9:30-10:30 am)

Chairs: Hannes Müller-Schmied, Simon Gosling

  • status of simulations in the global water sector (ISIMIP2/3)
  • possible adaptation scenarios from the global water sector (results of survey)
  • sectoral thoughts on a ISIMIP3 special issue
  • any other discussion
  • “JULES latest developments in ISIMIP3” (Aristeidis Koutroulis)

Sector meeting: Energy (1)

(10:00-12:00 am)

Chair: Victhalia Zapata

Sector meeting: Biomes & Permafrost

(10:30-12:00 am)

Chairs: Philippe Ciais, Christopher Reyer, Anne Gädeke

  • Status update biomes sector (C. Reyer, all modellers)
  • Valid variable ranges for biomes models (C. Reyer)
  • Paper presentations:
    • First analysis of ISIMIP3b simulation from VISIT and presentation of ISIMIP2b paper idea (A. Ito)
    • Disentangling the impacts of anthropogenic aerosols on terrestrial carbon cycle during 1850-2014 (Y Zhang)
    • Future greenhouse gas balance of northern peatlands: evidence from a multi-model assessment (C Qiu)
    • Additional paper plans tbc
  • Discussion of peatland sector (A. Gädeke, A Galego-Sala, C. Reyer)
  • Status update permafrost sector (A. Gädeke) and related permafrost activities (E. Burke, J. Kirchner)

Sector meeting: Energy (2)

(12:00-1:00 pm)

Chair: James Glynn

Opening session


Chair: Katja Frieler

Sector meeting: Agriculture


Chair: Jonas Jägermeyr

  • GGCMI Plum coupling (Sam Rabin)
  • Extreme event impacts on global crop productivity (Jonas Jägermeyr)
  • Potential poleward shift of major breadbaskets under climate change (Jim Franke)
  • Evaluation of empirical and process-based crop models (Haynes Stephens)
  • Discussion and way forward

Plenary session: "Climate forcing data - Ways to​ ​increase their temporal and spatial resolution"

(4:15-5:15 pm)

Chair: Stefan Lange

Cross-sectoral meeting: Biomes/Fire/ Permafrost

(6:00-8:00 pm)

Chairs: Anne Gädeke, Christopher Reyer

  • Short Keynotes on current exciting research questions and future prospects for biome-permafrost-fire modelling by:
  • Discussion of paper ideas within ISIMIP3 either in plenary or as break-out groups

Tuesday 12 January

Socioeconomic input data for ISIMIP3b group III simulations

(9:00-10:30 am)

Chair: Shouro Dasgupta


Sector meeting: Water regional (1)

(9:30-11:00 am)

Chairs: Fred Hattermann, Valentina Krysanova

  • Status update and
  • Ongoing studies on Detection & Attribution

Socioeconomic input data for ISIMIP3b group III simulations

(10:15-11:45 am)

Chairs: Hermann Lotze-Campen, Christopher Reyer

Land use models

Plenary session: Latest ISIMIP results

(12:00-1:30 pm)

Chair: Martin Park

Plenary session: Ongoing paper ideas


Chair: Jacob Schewe

  • “Assessing country level crop production risk based on ISIMIP3b crop yield simulations” (Samuel Eberenz)
  • “Inter-model agreements and differences in reproducing global terrestrial hydrologic fluxes and storages in ISIMIP simulations” (Farshid Felfelani, Yadu Pokhrel et al.)

Keynote by Noah Diffenbaugh

(5:00-6:30 pm)

Chair: Christian Otto

“Attributing impacts of historical climate change: Recent progress in quantifying economic impacts using historical observations and climate model ensembles”

(Noah Diffenbaugh, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment)

(recording upon request)

Sector meeting:​ Fisheries and Marine Ecosystems

(9:30-11:00 pm)

Chair: Julia Blanchard, Derek Tittensor

Wednesday 13 January

Socioeconomic input data for ISIMIP3b group III simulations:

(9:00-10:00 am)

Chairs: Naota Hanasaki, Jacob Schewe

Water management (1)

  • Sea water desalination,
  • Inter-basin water transfers

PROCLIAS Kick-Off meeting

(10:15-11:45 am)

Chair: Christopher Reyer, Veronika Huber

  • Introduction to COST ACTION PROCLIAS (C. Reyer)
  • Introduction to PROCLIAS WG1: Common datasets and protocols for climate impact modelling (W. Thiery)
  • Introduction to PROCLIAS WG2: Impact attribution and uncertainty assessments (V. Huber)
  • Introduction to PROCLIAS WG3: Cross-sectoral climate impacts (S. Gosling)
  • Introduction to PROCLIAS WG4: Communication and dissemination of climate impacts (I. Menke)

Socioeconomic input data for ISIMIP3b group III simulations

(12:00-1:30 pm)

Chairs: Björn Sörgel, Rocío Rivas, Jacob Schewe

Water management (2)

  • future dam locations
  • dam operations

Sector meeting: Health

(2:00-4:00 pm)

Chairs: Veronika Huber, Joacim Rocklöv

  • Welcome and introduction (Veronika Huber, UPO, Sevilla)

14:05: The Lancet Planetary Health Special Issue: 10 min presentations of submitted papers:

15:05: Recent results/work in progress from the ISIMIP Health Sector:

  • “Comparison of statistical and dynamical modelling approaches to predict the expansion of malaria vector ​ An. Sacharovi ​ in Greece under climate change”
  • (Adrian Tompkins, ICTP)
  • “Estimating health-related social costs of carbon – work in progress” (Francis Dennig, Yale-NUSCollege)

15:15: Discussion on Special Issue follow-up and future plans:

  • ISIMIP data management (Iliusi Vega del Valle, PIK), ISIMIP protocols, ISIpedia platform
  • PROCLIAS COST Action, ISIMIP3b focusing on adaptation, others

Socioeconomic input data for ISIMIP3b group III simulations

(3:15-4:00 pm)

Chair: Jonas Jägermeyr


  • Growing Seasons

Thursday 14 January

Plenary session: ISIMIP3a climate data -​ trends and counterfactuals

(9:00-10:30 am)

Chair: Jan Volkholz

(recording available upon request)

Sector meeting: Water regional (2)

(10:45-12:15 am)

Chair: Fred Hattermann

  • Next Special issue: studies, participants and timelines

Socioeconomic input data for ISIMIP3b group III simulations

(12:30-1:30 pm)

Chair: Jacob Schewe

Water management (3)

  • Non agricultural water withdrawals and uses


(2:00-3:15 pm)

Chair: Wim Thiery

  • Common datasets and protocols for climate impact modelling


(2:00-3:15 pm)

Chair: Veronika Huber

  • Impact attribution and uncertainty assessments

Keynote by Tamma Carleton

(5:00-6:30 pm)

Chair: Björn Sörgel

"Using economics and big data to measure the costs of climate change"

(Tamma Carleton, Bren School of Environmental Science & Management, UC Santa Barbara)

(recording available upon request)

Friday 15 January

Sector meeting: Lakes

(9:00-11:00 am)

Chair: Wim Thiery

  • Status of ISIMIP2b simulations
  • Status of ISIMIP2b analyses and papers
  • Timeline of ISIMIP3a-b simulations
  • Call for data: many physical sites + a few biogeochemistry supersites? What are the data requirements?
  • Varia


(11:15-12:45 am)

Chair: Simon Gosling

  • Cross-sectoral climate impacts


(11:15-12:45 am)

Chair: Inga Menke

  • Communication and dissemination of climate impacts

Plenary session: Closing remarks

(1:30-2:00 pm)

Chair: Martin Park

PROCLIAS Closing remarks

(2:00-2:45 pm)

Chair: Christopher Reyer

  • ​ Results of WG meetings and next steps


(2:45-3:30 pm)

Chair: Christopher Reyer

(PROCLIAS MC members only)

Sector meeting: Biodiversity

(20 January 2:00-4:00 pm)

Chair: Thomas Hickler, Christopher Reyer
