This information is relevant to the simulation round ISIMIP2a.
DKRZ server
Simulation results should be uploaded to the DKRZ server – the same server where the input data are hosted. Each model has its own folder structure.
The base path on is /work/bb0820/ISIMIP/
Details about file formatting and meta data requirements for your uploads can be found in the ISIMIP2a simulation protocol and in the page Preparing simulation files.
For example, remember to put your institution and contact as global meta data into the compressed NetCDF4 files. Also the specification of the several scenarios (harmonization, sensitivity, irrigation, co2, [where applied]) is crucial to clearly identify how your runs have been initialized. Splitting daily and monthly time series as described in the protocol also seems to be a common source of incorrect file formatting.
If you are not sure about something, you can upload just a small subset (see details below) and let the ISIMIP data management team have a look at it before pushing the rest of your data.
Upload Area
Please note, you can only upload your data to the <model>/_tmp/ structure. You do not have write permissions for any folders other than the _tmp folder.
Data uploaded to _tmp will be daily moved to a hidden directory, where quality checks will be performed. Please do not move any data on your own. A hidden copy of files uploaded to _tmp is kept to avoid unintentional removal of the data in case of errors in the quality control (QC) process.
The QC is integrated into the transfer of data from the _tmp structure to the main structure. The QC covers basic checks on file naming and NetCDF meta data and grid configuration. We invite you to try the ISIMIP QC Tool by yourself.
Minor issues will be fixed by us. Files uploaded to _tmp that have passed the QC will appear in the OutputArea. For each file where major issues have been found, and where your assistance is needed, a corresponding QC log file will be written in qc-logs/. We will also inform you via email. Until these issues are fixed, your data will not appear in the main structure. The QC is repeated regularly, ensuring that corrected files are transferred promptly to the main structure.