Climate related forcing: Simulated atmospheric climate.
Pre-industrial (1601-1849), historical (1850-2014) and future (2015-2100) conditions provided based on the bias adjustment and statistical downscaling of CMIP6 output from UKESM1-0-LL, using ISIMIP3BASD v2.5.0 and W5E5 v2.0.
CMIP6 experiments used in ISIMIP3b are piControl, historical, ssp126 (SSP1-RCP2.6), ssp370 (SSP3-RCP7) and ssp585 (SSP5-RCP8.5).
The method used for bias adjustment and statistical downscaling in ISIMIP3b is version 2.4.1 of ISIMIP3BASD (Lange, 2019a, 2020). The observational reference dataset used for bias adjustment and statistical downscaling in ISIMIP3b is version 1.0 of WFDE5 over land merged with ERA5 over the ocean (W5E5; Lange, 2019b; Cucchiet al., 2020).
Detailed information can be found in the bias-correction fact sheet here:, and here:
Original GCM data have been extracted from the CMIP6 archive.
If you use bias-adjusted ISIMIP3b climate input data then please cite (where applicable) Lange (2019a) and Lange (2020) for the bias adjustment and statistical downscaling method ISIMIP3BASD, and Lange (2019b) and Cucchi et al. (2020) and for the observational dataset W5E5.
* Cucchi, M., Weedon, G. P., Amici, A., Bellouin, N., Lange, S., Müller Schmied, H., Hersbach, H., and Buontempo, C.: WFDE5: bias adjusted ERA5 reanalysis data for impact studies, Earth System Science Data Discussions, 2020, 1–32,, 2020.
* Lange, S.: Trend-preserving bias adjustment and statistical downscaling with ISIMIP3BASD (v1.0), Geoscientific Model Development, 12, 3055–3070,, 2019a.
* Lange, S.: WFDE5 over land merged with ERA5 over the ocean (W5E5),, 2019b.
* Lange, S.: ISIMIP3BASD v2.4.1,, 2020.
For ISIMIP participants, these files are available for download on the DKRZ server using the path /work/bb0820/ISIMIP/ISIMIP3b/InputData/climate/atmosphere/bias-adjusted/global/.
For external users, these data can be downloaded from the ISIMIP Repository using the link below.
Data files provided cover the entire earth surface (global). The data are divided into climate scenarios, as described in the ISIMIP3b protocol.