Input data set: Future, gridded Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Protocol relation: Protocol
Data Type: Socio-economic
Simulation rounds: ISIMIP2b

Direct human forcings.

Annual GDP data on a 0.5°x0.5° grid for 2006-2099.

Scenarios: 1860soc, 2005soc, 2100rcp26soc, histsoc, rcp26soc
Variables: gdp

Downscaling from country to grid level achieved using the method described below which makes use of the ISIMIP2b gridded population data.

Data source

Based on the methodology described here: and the ISIMIP2b ssp2 gridded population data.
See also: Murakami, D. and Yamagata, Y. (2016) Estimation of gridded population and GDP scenarios with spatially explicit statistical downscaling, ArXiv, 1610.09041, URL:

These data have been generated by interpolating the data described here: to one-year time steps.

Download Instructions

For ISIMIP participants, these files are available for download on the DKRZ server vre2 using the path /work/bb0820/ISIMIP/ISIMIP2b/InputData/gdp/.

The data can also be downloaded from the ISIMIP data portal. See link below.

Data link