Climate related forcing: Simulated atmospheric climate.
Pre-industrial (1661-1860), historical (1861-2005), future (RCP2.6 (2006-2100), RCP6.0 and RCP8.5 (2006-2099)) and extended-future (RCP2.6, 2100-2299) conditions provided based on CMIP5 output from MIROC5.
Model data has been bias corrected by applying an updated version of the method used in the ISIMIP Fast Track, where a composite dataset 'EWEMBI' was used as the target observational data set. Detailed information can be found in the bias-correction fact sheet here:
Original GCM data have been extracted from the CMIP5 archive.
Note that the 'picontrol' data span the years 1661-2299, as required in the ISIMIP2b experiments.
Cooling over Europe is seen in the historical experiment until around 1970. The cooling should be related to external forcing such as sulfate aerosol, which increases cloud cover ratio. The aerosols are increasing in this periods over Europe. Aerosol indirect effect of MIROC5 might be a little too strong. (from Tatsuo Suzuki, priv. comm.)
For ISIMIP participants, these files are available for download on the DKRZ server using the path /ISIMIP/ISIMIP2b/InputData/GCM_atmosphere/biascorrected/.