Bias-adjusted atmospheric data
Global daily, 0.5°x0.5°: specific humidity (huss), hurs, pr, prsn, ps, psl, rlds, rsds, sfcWind, tasmax, tas and tasmin:
- IPSL-CM5A-LR picontrol, historical, rcp26 (extended to 2299), rcp60
- GFDL-ESM2M picontrol, historical, rcp26, rcp60
- MIROC5 picontrol, historical, rcp26 (extended to 2299), rcp60
- HadGEM2-ES picontrol, historical, rcp26 (extended to 2299), rcp60
Locally bias-adjusted atmospheric data
Daily hurs, pr, ps, rsds, sfcWind, tas, tasmax and tasmin for the local forest simulations (points listed here):
- IPSL-CM5A-LR picontrol, historical, rcp26 (extended to 2299), rcp60
- GFDL-ESM2M picontrol, historical, rcp26, rcp60
- MIROC5 picontrol, historical, rcp26 (extended to 2299), rcp60
- HadGEM2-ES picontrol, historical, rcp26 (extended to 2299), rcp60
A range of models will simulate quantities relating to temperature-related mortality at different locations. Each model needs different input variables. A detailed list is provided here.
- IPSL-CM5A-LR picontrol, historical, rcp26 (extended to 2299), rcp60
- GFDL-ESM2M picontrol, historical, rcp26, rcp60
- MIROC5 picontrol, historical, rcp26 (extended to 2299), rcp60
- HadGEM2-ES picontrol, historical, rcp26 (extended to 2299), rcp60
Daily hurs, huss, pr, prsn, ps, psl, rlds, rsds, sfcWind, tas, tasmax, tasmin, uas and vas for the local lakes simulations (points listed here):
- IPSL-CM5A-LR picontrol, historical, rcp26 (extended to 2299), rcp60
- GFDL-ESM2M picontrol, historical, rcp26, rcp60
- MIROC5 picontrol, historical, rcp26 (extended to 2299), rcp60
- HadGEM2-ES picontrol, historical, rcp26 (extended to 2299), rcp60
Non bias-adjusted atmospheric data
Monthly 3D fields for hus and ta on original GCM grid:
- IPSL-CM5A-LR picontrol, historical, rcp26 (extended to 2300), rcp60
- GFDL-ESM2M picontrol, historical, rcp26, rcp60
- MIROC5 picontrol, historical (start 1959), rcp26 (extended to 2300), rcp60
- HadGEM2-ES picontrol, historical (start 1949), rcp26, rcp60
Daily ua and va at 250hPa and 850hPa on original GCM grid:
- IPSL-CM5A-LR picontrol, historical, rcp26 (extended to 2300), rcp60
- GFDL-ESM2M picontrol, historical, rcp26, rcp60
- MIROC5 picontrol, historical (start 1959), rcp26 (extended to 2300), rcp60
- HadGEM2-ES picontrol, historical (start 1949), rcp26, rcp60
3-hourly uncorrected surface air pressure (ps) and surface wind (uas, vas) on original GCM grid: